Hope is a dicipline Exhibition Tour and Artist Talk

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Hope is a dicipline Exhibition Tour and Artist Talk

Join curator Meghana Karnik for an exhibition tour followed by a reading of Unity Newspaper (2024), a new publication by Hope is a discipline artist Maggie Wong.

Wong’s installation, The Red what reading did re-adding stems from the artist’s intergenerational study of the League of Revolutionary Struggle (M-L) and present parts of the publication, Unity Newspaper (2024), published by Snake Hair Press and Orbis Editions. The publication combines sections of the League’s original newspaper (1978-1992) with new writing from League members, as well as interviews with children raised in the League’s childcare system. The title of Wong’s work borrows from League member and revolutionary poet Amiri Baraka to consider how we come to know a political inheritance. This curiosity folds into the underlying question of Hope is a discipline: How do we find, remember, and share in the struggles of ancestors?

Unity Newspaper (2024) will be released as three issues, with the first coming out this fall.

Listen to the audio guide for Hope is a discipline here!

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