Tune in to The Steve Circuit, co-commissioned by LMCC and ISSUE Project Room on 7/30 at 8pm!
Co-commissioned by LMCC and ISSUE Project Room, The Steve Circuit is an episodic series of videos and digital artwork dedicated to the late beloved poet Steve Dalachinsky developed by his wife, painter and poet Yuko Otomo, and interdisciplinary artist Matt Mottel. This episode focuses on Anthology Film Archives, and features contributions from Andrew Lampert.
Born in Brooklyn in 1946, Dalachinsky was an unforgettable fixture within particular strains of experimental music, poetry, and art—and at cultural happenings and gatherings of all kinds in Lower Manhattan and beyond. Dalachinsky was an important figure to many. He passed away September 16th, 2019.
Otomo and Mottel say, "In order to hear him 'now', we try to trace back the footsteps of his rich cultural activities over the years. As a born New Yorker, his main playground was his beloved NYC. We’ve created the steve circuit: downtown New York's subterranean spirit. This is a cultural geography that focuses on Lower Manhattan where he lived for many decades. He was a devoted culture lover who never missed any inspiring events."
Tune in on July 30 at 8pm EST for the second piece of The Steve Circuit.