Teach Me What Love Is

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Teach Me What Love Is

Teach Me What Love Is: Saturday, September 14th 2-5 pm, Upper Gallery, The Arts Center at Governors Island

Teach Me What Love Is is a participatory performance series and karaoke workshop that explores the linguistic diversity of the word “love” across languages. Focusing on the often-invisible experience of ESL (English as second language) speakers, the performance highlights the nuances of language and translation through the shared cultural phenomenon of a ‘love song.’

An ESL performer will lead participants through a song that best represents their notion of love, teach it and share their relationship with the song in their native languages. Mandarin and Spanish songs, the languages most spoken other than English in New York City, will be taught and sung together at LMCC in this karaoke style workshop. 

Join us on Saturday, September 14 from 2 – 5pm, to learn a love song in Spanish from 2-3:15 pm and Mandarin from 3:45-5pm. 

Register here!