Open Studios with Session Two Artists-in-Residence
Connect with LMCC’s Arts Center artists-in-residence at Open Studios! Visit artists in their studios, where they will share their practice, works-in-progress and time-based presentations throughout the day.
Session 2 Artists-in-Residence include: Bobby Abate, Faustine Badrichani, Michele Brody, Mitsuko Brooks, Monica Duncan & Senem Pirler, Teresa Fellion, Sika Foyer, Camila Galaz, Sarah Hakani, Nattie Trogdon & Hollis Bartlett, Jess Levey, Ronit Levin Delgado, Gregory Mills, Farah Mohammad, Dario Mohr, Javier Piñero, Stephanie Powell, Andres Senra, and DW Zinsser.
RSVP Here!
Michele Brody
Nature in Absentia
Video presentation (30 min)
Projection of a video about my installation Monarch Migrations, during which I will describe the project and invite guests to write migration stories on handmade milkweed papers, and maybe read a few of the stories I have collected so far.
@mbrody16 https://michelebrody.com/
Monica Duncan & Sinem Pirler
Video presentation + Q&A (30 min)
A microscopic journey through sweat and tears.
@marblemonmon / @s_pirler
www.monicaduncan.net / www.senempirler.com
Bobby Abate
Outsider Tarot
reading (45 min)
A collaborative Tarot reading and energy circle with the Outsider Tarot, focusing on the theme ‘Peace.’ Each participant will meditate on the concept, select a card from the deck, and read the associated epigraph/meditation from the guidebook. A project that took 10 years to research, create and self-publish, the Outsider Tarot reinterprets the ubiquitous Golden Dawn and Rider Waite decks from a modern queer perspective, emphasizing inclusivity and diversity within the original esoteric framework.
@@bobbysweetkitty @outsidertarot https://sweetkitty.com/
BodyStories: Teresa Fellion Dance
Reshaping Choreographic Approaches
Movement Workshop (20-45 min)
Teresa Fellion will lead an experiential movement improvisation and composition experience where people are invited to participate in pedestrian movement scores (low stakes, fun, and no prior movement experience necessary). These are intriguing, inspirational, and definitely FUN ways of interacting with others through movement and igniting the brain and body in some dynamic ways. Some of these include a scored movement obstacle course (no props, just ourselves in the space-don’t worry we aren’t climbing under furniture or anything wild), walking scores, circular patterns, and other felt movement forms with partners, as individuals, and/or in groups. These scores are wonderful tools from Equus Projects that Teresa has been investigating and learning from JoAnna Mendl Shaw through choreographic research and mentorship that activate connection with our brains, bodies, and each other.
@bodystories_teresafelliondance https://bodystoriesfellion.org/
Nattie Trogdon + Hollis Bartlett
Performance/ artist talk (30 min)
With Brendan Drake, Wendell Gray II, Noa Weiss, Katerina Belmatch, Symara Sarai, Nattie Trogdon, Hollis Bartlett
Fallacies’ is a movement work of reference and research project that culls known dances from pop culture and bodily memory to live in the space between replication and translation. Nattie + Hollis will share movement sequences from this choreographic archival practice and have an open discussion around this work exploring originality, possession, and meaning-making through dance.
@nattietroggie @holbart www.nattieandhollis.com
Sika Foyer
Hungry Listening
Performance / video presentation + talk back (45 min)
We exercise our freedom by voicing out loud our opinions. Hungry Listening is calling on that freedom of speech (communication & language) in a space of empathy where sounds, movements and vibrations are sufficient.
@@Sika_Foyer https://www.sikafoyer.com/
Throughout the day
Ronit Levin Delgado
Silent durational performance
“#BringThemHome” by artist Ronit Levin Delgado who will perform a durational silent-protest performance. The artist will move through the studios space while wrapped in a Mylar Emergency Rescue Blanket, covered with posters bearing the faces of the Israeli hostages held captive by Hamas since October 7th.
@ronitlevindelgado www.ronitlevindelgado.com
All day
Michele Brody
Reflections in Tea (tea tent installation)
With Joyce Mao and Enmy Uribe
Temporary installation of a Tea Tent I have where myself and others will serve tea and have some quiet sharing time.